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We track 12 of the most common features banks bundle into their checking accounts (i.e., free online banking, debit card reward programs). For the best comparisons, customize this list (in Step 3) so you’re only comparing accounts with all the features want.
We exclude from the search results all checking accounts that do not fulfill 100% of the features you set as “Must have.”
We have a full-time research staff that maintains all the account information on the site.
Our branch location database is sourced from the FDIC and is updated with information provided by banks and credit unions. In addition, we utilize Google’s Maps to identify which banks have locations near you.
We electronically monitor listed banks’ and credit unions’ websites to identify when they’ve updated information. We call institutions’ contact centers on a rolling schedule for any information not published on their websites. Inaccuracies brought to our attention are researched and updated immediately.
We currently cover checking, savings and money market accounts at over 140 US banks and credit unions — representing over half of all branch locations in the US.