Sandpoint, ID Checking Accounts and Reloadable Debit Cards

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Do You Know?

How to Close a Checking Account

The actual process of closing the account can be done fairly quickly, but preparation that needs to be completed beforehand. Since checking accounts are usually the center of many consumers’ financial existence, there’s lots of transactions flowing in and out of them. It’s important to take the proper steps to switch your automatic transactions into your new account before closing your old one. Most institutions allow you to close your checking account at a branch or over the phone, but be aware that some charge a fee if an account is closed within a certain period of days of it being opened.

What is mobile check deposit?

Mobile Check Deposit allows you to deposit checks into your bank account by taking a picture of the front and back of an endorsed check with a compatible smartphone or tablet. Most banks do not charge a fee for mobile check deposit. It’s usually included with the institution’s mobile banking application. In some cases, banks pose limits on the check amount or number of checks you can deposit. Some limits are set per check, per day and per month. Banks may also restrict the type of check being deposited. Be sure to check with your bank before making any deposits.

Tips About Checking Accounts and Reloadable Debit Cards

What Are The Best Checking Accounts For Students? For Seniors?

Checking accounts come in all shapes and sizes, but banks and credit unions know that seniors and students use their accounts in distinct ways. Many offer student and senior checking accounts to appeal to these consumers, offering features that appeal to these groups like an "oops" for overdrafting (for students) and free checking printing (for seniors). Read more...

How to Close a Checking Account

For many consumers, their checking account is the center of their financial existence because it’s where paychecks are deposited, bills are paid and spending money is stored. Because there is so many transactions flowing in and out of these accounts, it’s crucial to close your checking account properly in order to avoid unwanted blunders. Read on...

Interest Rates on Checking Accounts

Earning interest on your checking account nowadays is, well, difficult. And when you do, it's not easy get an interest rate that's very impressive. If you're looking for ways to earn money, your time may be better spent looking at savings accounts, money market accounts, or more long term investments like IRAs, bonds, or mutual funds. Read more...

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