Nampa, ID Checking Accounts and Reloadable Debit Cards
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Do You Know?
How ATM Fee Rebates Work
With ATM rebates, the charge from a non-bank ATM is rebated to your account. This rebate applies to ATMs anywhere in the US or anywhere outside the bank's home state, depending on the bank. While there is often a limit to the amount a customer may receive in monthly rebates (usually $6/month), this service provides another great incentive to work with a bank that may not be so close in proximity, but offers great accounts. Unlimited ATM rebates are common for banks that have no branches (i.e. Internet Bank Accounts) or for smaller banks that want to remain competitive on a national scale.
How Much Interest-Bearing Checking Accounts Earn
Most banks offer interest bearing checking accounts. These accounts will be most valuable if you have a consistently high balance and want to spend the money in this account a number of times each month.
Most checking accounts have interest rates near or below 0.5%. The exceptions are internet and rewards checking accounts which may have a interest rate up to 4%. But be careful; just because your account earns interest doesn't mean you will earn a lot of it. For example, an account with a 3.5% APY and a $5,000 balance will earn $175 dollars in a year -- not bad considering the low or no risk involved in this 'investment.' But an account with a $5,000 balance and only a 0.5% APY will only return $25 annually.
Tips About Checking Accounts and Reloadable Debit Cards
What Are The Best Checking Accounts For Students? For Seniors?
Checking accounts come in all shapes and sizes, but banks and credit unions know that seniors and students use their accounts in distinct ways. Many offer student and senior checking accounts to appeal to these consumers, offering features that appeal to these groups like an "oops" for overdrafting (for students) and free checking printing (for seniors). Read more...
How to Close a Checking Account
For many consumers, their checking account is the center of their financial existence because it’s where paychecks are deposited, bills are paid and spending money is stored. Because there is so many transactions flowing in and out of these accounts, it’s crucial to close your checking account properly in order to avoid unwanted blunders. Read on...
Interest Rates on Checking Accounts
Earning interest on your checking account nowadays is, well, difficult. And when you do, it's not easy get an interest rate that's very impressive. If you're looking for ways to earn money, your time may be better spent looking at savings accounts, money market accounts, or more long term investments like IRAs, bonds, or mutual funds. Read more...